View Profile KazumaKyaroru
Dunno. Really dunno. I'll be posting random crap on this account so we'll see just how well that goes. ~Kazuma

Kazuma @KazumaKyaroru


New Jersey

Joined on 6/17/08

Exp Points:
2,040 / 2,180
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5.61 votes
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Time to annoy you all with another pointless rant...

Posted by KazumaKyaroru - January 21st, 2009

I have recently come across a few very interesting things on Newgrounds...
First, is this: people who randomly view others' profiles, just so they can post some random crap spam comment on there: "U suck ballz, lol" or "fag fag fag fag." I mean really, have people no lives? I certainly do not, but come on damn it. This is ridiculous, and usually, what makes it even worse, is that 90% of the time, it's done in such a manner to either be distasteful sexually or in a racist manner... I'll come back to this in a second. Okay, next topic.

Have you ever seen these asses who sit there and give such positive comments and almost always include "5/5 10/10" in the text of the comments, and yet, their reviews say they gave the flash a zero? What the hell? Really. This is highly annoying. I'm sitting here, after having posted my own opinion on a flash, whether it was good or not, and am reading the other comments to see what others have to say and view the flash from other constructive points of view, and it's bad enough when they just say, "This is shit, BLAM IT," don't even get me started on that, I already posted about that, but then these users, turn around and contradict themselves in comment form on the flashes. There seem to be two possible reasons for it, the first, and nicer of which, is pretty sad: they forget to click the number they want to give with the review; or number two, they attempt to be funny/sarcastic and think themselves all intellectual or whatever and decide they're gonna make fun of flashes. And I've seen some real jerks who've done this more times than I can count, so I know they don't just forget to click that number.

Here's another fun observation, this one applying to everything previously mentioned in this post, and one reason why whenever I myself review something I try to be as fair as possible: Idiots on here that turn around and have either been on Newgrounds since it started, or have just signed up a week ago, and either way, have no submissions themselves, and think (and state in comments/reviews) "this is crap. oh yeah, I could do better than this!" IF YOU REALLY THINK SO, PROVE IT! Newgrounds needs more good flashes, worst comes to worst, you're proven wrong assholes. That's why I don't say stuff like that, cause I know I suck with flash, and, I'm not afraid to admit it.

One last thing though that really annoys me: Newgrounds... the "Grounds Gold" system. vote on 5 flashes and you get 10 experience points, vote on 50 and you get a whopping... 10 experience points... That's a little unfair. I mean I spend most of my free time on Newgrounds, because, as I've said before, I've no life, but honestly, I rate over one hundred flashes at least 4 days a week, and it would be nice to give the users who dedicate most of their day to Newgrounds, a little something more... I mean, you've got those of us who want to advance in the ranks a bit quicker than one level every 50 to 100 days, and I mean if you lose the opportunity to get one day's Grounds Gold, you lose those 10 points permanently. What gives? I have to be here everyday, no matter what, even if my house catches fire, I get expelled, am arrested, and have no computer access, or else I don't get my experience? I honestly think the system could use a bit of a revision. Perhaps grade 5 flashes a day get 10 experience, and everything beyond that maybe 1/2 an experience point per flash grades/reviews, and have the amount given per grade slowly decrease so as to keep it fair to those who only have limited access but still spend most of their day here.

But yeah, sorry for all who listen to my garbage rants. I've just wasted even more of your time. Thank you though, for actually paying attention to a random over opinionated guy.


Time to annoy you all with another pointless rant...


I think you're right about reviews, i don't think people take the reviews system seriously anymore. Either they're openly insulting people for a mildly bad flash or they're flagging honest reviews as abusive.

rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr

hee hee! i got bored >_<" XD ^_^

Let this be motivation for you to be an upstanding citizen giving kickass reveiws to Underdog animators. Who are Underdogs you say? We are the animators making our way to NG fame. We are the ones who work hard and are often shut out by flashes made by big name authors that aren't all too great. We need publicity, but we need motivation even more. We can really use people who have something nice to say about submissions and offer advice on improvement.