...I have nowords todescribe howthis mademe feel..
It's people like you that make Newgrounds the beautiful place it is. The creators of the hidden (and not so hidden) gems such as this one. As you sift through all the hentai galleries and random two second loops posted here (most of which are great anyway (I'm no big fan of either one, but I don't hold a submission's category against it, so no offense to anyone who thinks the world of such examples, but I wanted to express my gratitude to this user, JAZZA, as he is the second person across the entire web to actually show me something more motivating than nearly anything I've ever experienced)), but none of those could ever compare to something of this nature)... while sifting though decent flashes and the occasional bad flash, you come across something with true meaning behind it, and something so beautiful, that it makes you glad to think your eyes actually fell upon such a vision of magnificance. At least the second best work I've seen upon this site, falling second to only "How old are you now?" however, I am torn and am willing to say both are equals due to the fact that this is just so fantastic... I am, and this does not occur often (being a poet/fellow musician I always have something to say), speechless... This is a true work of art that deserves recognition on a much larger scale.